Straighten Your Smile Comfortably and Discreetly with Invisalign Treatment

If you have crooked, overcrowded, or gapped teeth, Invisalign from Fair Oaks, California, can correct your smile comfortably and discreetly. Invisalign treatment from Orcutt Family Dentistry uses a series of see-through customized aligners to straighten your teeth. There are no metal wires or brackets, just custom-fitted clear aligners.

Dental issues that Invisalign can fix

Invisalign system has come a long way since it was introduced to the market in the early 2000s. Then, Invisalign emerged as a solution for addressing minor orthodontic concerns or for realigning teeth that had shifted back after failing to use a retainer.

Today, Invisalign is as effective as traditional braces, and your dentist can recommend this orthodontic system to correct issues like: 

  • Gapped teeth
  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Bite issues, including overbites, underbites, crossbites, and open bites
  • Misaligned or crooked teeth

Not sure if you are a suitable candidate for Invisalign? The best way to find out is by scheduling an appointment with an Invisalign provider like Dr. Brian Orcutt. Our dentist will evaluate your bite, teeth, and overall health to determine your candidacy for Invisalign.

Invisalign dentistry service

Invisalign® Before and Afters at Orcutt Family Dentistry

Invisalign Treatment After
Invisalign Treatment After
Invisalign Treatment After Patient
Invisalign Treatment After Patient

What can I expect from Invisalign treatment?

After an initial consultation with Dr. Orcutt, we’ll take digital impressions of your smile using an intraoral scanner. Unlike goop-based impressions, digital impressions are comfortable, precise, and offer real-time results.
After impressions, our dentist uses sophisticated Invisalign technology to simulate your treatment plan, mapping out the step-by-step movements of your teeth. Next, we send the digital records to an Invisalign lab to craft your customized aligners.

When you receive your aligners, you must wear them 20-22 hours daily. Only remove them when eating or brushing your teeth. Every 10-14 days, transition to the next set of aligners in the sequence. This pattern continues until you achieve your optimal alignment.

Your treatment takes 9-18 months, but milder cases only need a few months. Once you complete your treatment, we’ll give you a retainer to maintain your teeth in their newly aligned positions.

Benefits of Invisalign aligners

Invisalign trays are removable, custom-fitted, and transparent. What does this mean for you? You'll reap the benefits below.

  • Comfortable experience
  • Undisrupted oral hygiene
  • Faster treatment
  • Discreet treatment
  • Fewer dental visits
  • No dietary restrictions

Invisalign treatment near me

Ready to make a difference in your smile with Invisalign orthodontics? Call (916) 963-9986 to schedule an appointment with Orcutt Family Dentistry. Alternatively, you can book a convenient online appointment. We can't wait to give you the straight smile you deserve.